MONQ Patch Notes

Patch Notes 0.1


Reduced particle emitters for optimisation.

Added autosave's.

Reduced texture LOD's for optimisation.

Added post processing to improve visual flavour.

General Visual Improvements.

Added Credits.

Added new game function so player can rewrite old save.

Added reflective floor to tutorial level.


Added camera movement triggers to inprove flow.

Fixed issue that was caused when camera was at 180 degrees.


Fixed issue where some trees would grow faster than others.

Delta Time sound now more apparent.

Fixed issue that allowed player to jump after walking off a ledge Improved delta time bubble.


Added interactive collectables for story.

Added shrine to sanctuary to allow player to return to the tutorial level.

Added requirement for shrines so player must gather enough hour glasses.

Patch Notes 0.1.1

Fixed checkpoint issue that caused players to be sent back to the start of the level.

Removed some filler text.

Patch Notes 0.1.2

Optimisation Patch

Fixed issue that casued games FPS to fall dramatically when player first level.


Added new ramp in tutorial to improve playability.

Fixed issue where boulders in tutorial level would not kill player if the player stood still.

Fixed issue where if the player dies the music would stop playing.

Fixed issue that casued the collectables to be viewed from anywhere in the map once one had been collected.

Files 656 MB
Version 6 May 16, 2017


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